Here’s the New Way Fliers Are Being Rude—And What You Can Do About It
Picture this: You’ve made it through the gauntlet of airport parking, security checkpoints, luggage checks and boarding. You’re finally safely ensconced in your seat (and if you’re really lucky, you’re next to an empty middle seat ). Just before takeoff, you hear a booming voice. But it’s not the pilot announcing your departureit’s the dude in the row behind you who decided that not only should he listen to monks chanting death metal while you race down the runway but so should the rest of the plane courtesy of his phone speaker. Oof. Your flight is already off to a rough start, and you haven’t even hit any turbulence. Relatable? You’re not alone. Traveling is stressful enough without dealing with people’s weird taste in music. “I think everyone’s got a similar story! People doing annoying things is part and parcel of public transportationwhich includes flying,” says Jan Goss, a business etiquette expert with more than 30 years of experience. “But that doesn’t excuse the bad behavior...